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Paid Traffic Vs Organic Traffic

Business owners, website owners, bloggers, and other people that operate online are faced with the challenge of traffic. They want to reach more people organically.

There are two major ways of getting Traffic - Paid Traffic and organic traffic.

What is Paid Traffic?

This is Traffic that you get after paying for promotions and/or advertisements. You pay to drive traffic to your website or platforms.

When you pay to get traffic, you get the traffic that you expect. There are two major types of Paid traffic - Paid Ad Traffic and Pay Per Click (PPC).

Organic Traffic

In Organic traffic, you get clicks from real people at no cost. You don't need to pay because it is free!

Organic Traffic usually comes from search results on search engines, social media, sharing your link, and so on. For your site to be visible on search engines, it must rank well. That is, among the several related results, yours must stand out. How can you make it stand out?

Paid Traffic Vs Organic Traffic

I believe both have their advantages and disadvantages. Let me lay them out for you.

Advantage of Paid Traffic over Organic Traffic

You can get results as soon as you pay. Organic traffic could take some time before you see a difference. However, when it comes, it becomes relatively constant.

You can target users unknown to you. You can increase your reach and exposure with Paid Traffic. Organic traffic is mostly targeted.

Advantage of Organic Traffic over Paid Traffic

Organic Traffic is free. You don't have to pay to get traffic.

You get real people on your site. Real people can connect with your content, and would give you a relatively constant result.

Organic Traffic is more valuable. The fact that you can connect with your audience allows for the growth of your brand. You can offer value to your audience. Also, there is a higher retention rate.


Paid Traffic has some advantages over Organic Traffic and vice versa. However, the goal is traffic. In terms of cost, effort, and guarantee of effort, we should have a choice in mind.


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